Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Reindeers have to eat too!

Now Dasher and Dancer and get it!!
Reindeer! Santa's little fellows that pull that heavy sleigh through the sky. They need food too! Wouldn't you be hungry after doing all that work?

So the boys and I set out to make some Reindeer food for all their friends at their schools. We needed to make a very large batch to make at least 30 pouches not including some for family and neighbors.

First, start with some store brand Oats. You can get them so reasonably priced, this was approx. $1.19

Next, just some craft glitter or "glitter snow" as I call it which is glitter pieces in white "fluff".

Get a giant bowl, pour the oats in, let the kids sprinkle the glitter (you can use any color) and then let them mix it all up. Simple as that!!

Here is a picture of the note cards that we printed up and cut for each bag on cardstock.

Last but not least, plastic ziploc bags. Pour some of the mixture in, one cardstock , seal & you are ready to go!!

Here is a shot of the finished product! I hope the reindeer enjoy!